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Chris Casello
Guitar Instructor

Professional guitarist with 40 years pro experience. Originally from Ann Arbor Michigan, 12 years in Nashville. Has taught over 20,000 lessons. Performed and recorded blues, country , rock and jazz. Specializing in roots music, soloing and improvisation, theory, travis picking, hot country and rockabilly too.

New !! Chris Casello 10 Lessons on Mastering the Electric Blues Guitar!!

New !! Chris Casello 10 Lessons on Mastering the Electric Blues Guitar!!

I'd love to share with you my newest course on Curious, Mastering Blues Guitar Techniques.

Blues and rock guitar is mastered in stages, beginning with basic licks, and moving on to more advanced music theory concepts, like chord progressions, scales, and soloing, all covered in this course!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Curiously yours,
Chris Casello

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