Mind + Body

How to Motivate Kids in School

2 CQ

In this parenting lesson, learn how your child's mindset affects his or her motivation to learn, and grasp how to encourage him or her toward success in school.

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Patricia B
I'm having a hard time with my don and alphabet. Recalling the actual names of the letters. If anyone has any ideas to help with something like this, I'd really appreciate it. We are really struggling with this.
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Suzanne G
I'm really enjoying this information for school. I am really going to apply this to everyday tasks also. Thank you so much.
Brainster Mom
Suzanne, We are pretty new to Curious and just discovered your comment. We hope you've been able to apply what you learned. It just takes a bit of thinking before you speak, but truly what you say makes such a big impact on how your kids perceive themselves!
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