Hoby C's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREEPiano lessonFree3 CQ
What sets apart good music from great music is improvisation. In this first lesson of three, learn how to improv to Van Morrison’s “Moondance” on piano.
with Kent D. SmithWhat sets apart good music from great music is improvisation. In this first lesson of three, learn how to improv to Van Morrison’s “Moondance” on piano.
4 minPiano lesson3 CQ
In part two of a three-part series on piano improvisation, use Van Morrison’s “Moondance” as a framework for playing solos in the minor blues scale.
with Kent D. SmithIn part two of a three-part series on piano improvisation, use Van Morrison’s “Moondance” as a framework for playing solos in the minor blues scale.
4 minPiano lesson3 CQ
This lesson on piano improvisation shows how to combine Van Morrison’s “Moondance” and the Dorian mode “A” scale to create licks and melodies.
with Kent D. SmithThis lesson on piano improvisation shows how to combine Van Morrison’s “Moondance” and the Dorian mode “A” scale to create licks and melodies.
5 minBlues Piano lesson3 CQ
With just your thumb, index finger, and middle finger, learn how to play ripping blues licks on the piano! This lesson covers playing the pentatonic scale.
with Kent D. SmithWith just your thumb, index finger, and middle finger, learn how to play ripping blues licks on the piano! This lesson covers playing the pentatonic scale.
4 minBlues Piano lesson3 CQ
A steady left hand groove combined with powerful right hand licks create a rhythmic blues piano sound. Learn the chords for playing the blues piano left hand.
with Kent D. SmithA steady left hand groove combined with powerful right hand licks create a rhythmic blues piano sound. Learn the chords for playing the blues piano left hand.
3 minFREEBlues Piano lessonFree2 CQ
In this first music lesson of ten, discover the sultry C minor blues scale for piano. Learn what notes to play with when creating original piano melodies.
with Kent D. SmithIn this first music lesson of ten, discover the sultry C minor blues scale for piano. Learn what notes to play with when creating original piano melodies.
6 minBlues Piano lesson4 CQ
In lesson three of ten, blues piano instructor Kent Smith demonstrates five well-known hand devices for playing ripping blues licks to play in any key.
with Kent D. SmithIn lesson three of ten, blues piano instructor Kent Smith demonstrates five well-known hand devices for playing ripping blues licks to play in any key.
2 minBlues Piano lesson2 CQ
The 12-bar blues chord progression is a central staple to playing the blues. Learn how to play it on piano in this fourth lesson of a blues piano crash course.
with Kent D. SmithThe 12-bar blues chord progression is a central staple to playing the blues. Learn how to play it on piano in this fourth lesson of a blues piano crash course.
5 minPiano lesson3 CQ
It’s time to coordinate! In this fifth lesson of a blues piano crash course, practice exercises to improve your two-handed coordination for playing the blues.
with Kent D. SmithIt’s time to coordinate! In this fifth lesson of a blues piano crash course, practice exercises to improve your two-handed coordination for playing the blues.
4 minPiano lesson3 CQ
Put your hands together and practice more two-hand coordination on the piano! In this lesson, the left hand grooves the 12-bar blues and the right syncopates.
with Kent D. SmithPut your hands together and practice more two-hand coordination on the piano! In this lesson, the left hand grooves the 12-bar blues and the right syncopates.