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Full Time Cruiser and Entrepreneur

I am a Full Time Cruiser and Entrepreneur. Living and working from my boat "the Gypsy Soul"

In my former life I was an IT Manager & computer geek for the last 25 years. When the economy went south, so did I. I decided to chuck the old life, move aboard my boat and start doing my own thing. I currently run several Blogs and Websites on a variety of topics. I'm most interested in teaching others how to make the leap and escape the 9-5 grind, and live their dreams.

I've been cruising full time now for just over a year and I've learnd many things. the chief among these is:

The secret to happiness in life is:

Growth and contribution

Learn & Grow, Teach & Contribute

New Curious course - Introduction to Stargazing & Astronomy

New Curious course - Introduction to Stargazing & Astronomy

I'd love to share with you my newest course on Curious, Introduction to Stargazing & Astronomy.

If you observe the night sky, do you know what's up there? Stars, galaxies, constellations, and more! In this stargazing course for beginners, learn to find and identify celestial bodies.

Looking forward to seeing your Curious Assignment!

Rod Miller

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