Exploring Galaxies

56 CQ
11 Lessons
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    11. Dark Matter & Dark Energy
    A lesson with Astronomic
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    Dark matter cannot be seen with telescopes, and dark energy permeates all of space, expanding the universe. Learn about these physics mysteries in this lesson!

    Dark matter cannot be seen with telescopes, and dark energy permeates all of space, expanding the universe. Learn about these physics mysteries in this lesson!

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Scott G
Great series and well presented! I'd love to see more from you, especially if you can explain more about the movement of galaxies and the Laniakea super cluster.
Thanks Scott! Hopefully in the future there will be a lot more content on galaxies, and their movement, evolution, etc :-)
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David T
Wonderful series! As nice morsels of information, it whets my appetite to learn more, especially about subjects that are too difficult to really get a grasp of in short snippets. Thank you for your time and effort in producing this!
Thanks very much David! Very grateful for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it! :-)
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