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Natasha Daniels
Child Therapist and Author

Natasha Daniels is a child therapist and author of How to Parent Your Anxious Toddler. When she is not busy running after her three kids - she enjoys working in her private practice. She is the creator of Anxioustoddlers.com - a website on parenting for all ages. Natasha's work has been featured on many sites including Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, The Mighty and Child Mind Institute.

She has a passion for teaching parents in an engaging, simplistic fashion. She offers concrete advice and gives insight into why children behave the way they do!

Have you watched the course, Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse?

Have you watched the course, Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse?

Have you watched my most important course on Curious, Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse?

Nobody ever thinks it can happen to their child. I hear this time and time again in my child therapy practice. the reality is - it can - and it does.

Protect your children by arming yourself with knowledge. Learn the signs of a child predator - they are often the people you trust the most. Develop language to teach your children how to see red flags.

I hope you join me on this very important course!

Stay Curious!
Natasha Daniels

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