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Steinberg Cubase & Music Production Tutorials

I have been in the music industry for over 20 years and I have been a Steinberg Cubase user for the past 18. I studied Sound Engineering and Creative Music Technology at University and I am now passing on my skills to the next generation of up and coming producers, remixers and sound engineers.

If you want to increase your knowledge of music production and would like to learn the latest tips, tricks and techniques. Then you have come to the right place.

I can take you through the process of starting with a blank project right through to completion of your first hit, Also I aim to teach you everything from simple loop creation through to mixing and mastering your own tracks.

Latest lesson from Mike Smith

Latest lesson from Mike Smith

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my most recently published lesson, Bringing a Track Together in Cubase.

Learn how to set up a track in Cubase for editing and how to move different elements around to introduce loops for a high energy mix that builds up slowly.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Curiously yours,
Mike Smith

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