Bridge to the Sky

3 CQ

There are rules that dictate what you can build and how. Rules of physics and rules of men who sit on various bureaucratic boards and bodies. These rules dictated that if silk magnate John Noble Stearns wanted to build one of those ten story towers that were all the rage in 1888, on his 22...

Aired June 3, 2011

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Chris R
I do wish it hadn’t been cut off midstream though I agree the negative comments are not as useful as constructive criticism such as “please don’t cut these files short”
500 characters max
Robert W
Never listen to disperragement from those who have not tried.
500 characters max
JonRobert J
Wow. Really interesting
500 characters max
Sue S
This was a waste of my time.
Jer T
Troll alert! LoL
Evan E
No joke. This one sucked
Jen K
Why even comment then? Not for you, move on. I found it interesting for a short investment of time.
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