John G's Enrolled Lessons
9 minOutdoors lesson5 CQ
Lost at sea? In this lesson, learn how to find the North Star—also known as Polaris or the Pole Star—to determine your latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.
with Curious .Lost at sea? In this lesson, learn how to find the North Star—also known as Polaris or the Pole Star—to determine your latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.
12 minFREEDrawing lessonFree7 CQ
Before drawing a female face it is important to sketch out guidelines. In this preliminary drawing lesson, learn how to draw basic oval shapes for the face.
with Sketch2DrawBefore drawing a female face it is important to sketch out guidelines. In this preliminary drawing lesson, learn how to draw basic oval shapes for the face.
6 minFREEDrawing lessonFree4 CQ
In this lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you’ll learn how to use juxtaposition to draw a superhero like you see in comic books and animation.
with Christopher HartIn this lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you’ll learn how to use juxtaposition to draw a superhero like you see in comic books and animation.
13 minFREElessonFree7 CQ
Learn what it takes to write a novel, including the 3 P's of writing and the tools you need to produce a book and establish a writing space and schedule.
with Curious .Learn what it takes to write a novel, including the 3 P's of writing and the tools you need to produce a book and establish a writing space and schedule.
21 minFREECrafts lessonFree11 CQ
Comic books have their own unique conventions for figure drawing. Learn how to draw superheroes by understanding the basic shapes that make up the human figure.
with Curious .Comic books have their own unique conventions for figure drawing. Learn how to draw superheroes by understanding the basic shapes that make up the human figure.
3 minFREESoftware Development lessonFree2 CQ
Interested in coding in programming language Visual Basic? In this introductory lesson, Es Einsteinium shows how to program, “Hello, World!” in Visual Studio.
with Es EinsteiniumInterested in coding in programming language Visual Basic? In this introductory lesson, Es Einsteinium shows how to program, “Hello, World!” in Visual Studio.
5 minFREEWorld History lessonFree3 CQ
In this lesson, learn the causes of World War I with an easy-to-remember acronym MAIN, or militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.
with Made From HistoryIn this lesson, learn the causes of World War I with an easy-to-remember acronym MAIN, or militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.
63 minFREEBiology lessonFree20 CQ
Join conservation biologist Paul Ehrlich to explore how overpopulation is affecting the world's ecology, including climate change, food distribution, and more.
with Paul EhrlichJoin conservation biologist Paul Ehrlich to explore how overpopulation is affecting the world's ecology, including climate change, food distribution, and more.
6 minFREEBiology lessonFree4 CQ
Eager to understand important biological concepts and frameworks? Enhance your understanding of evolution with this lesson on natural selection!
with Bleier BiologyEager to understand important biological concepts and frameworks? Enhance your understanding of evolution with this lesson on natural selection!