Stephanie A's Enrolled Lessons
5 minFREEAcrylic Painting lessonFree3 CQ
Love the serene look of bamboo art? Learn to create Asian-influenced art with these techniques from April Numamoto. You only need one color and one paint brush!
with April NumamotoLove the serene look of bamboo art? Learn to create Asian-influenced art with these techniques from April Numamoto. You only need one color and one paint brush!
14 minAcrylic Painting lesson8 CQ
Master one-stroke painting and the fine art of the cabbage rose! Learn new acrylic painting techniques and create some gorgeous art along the way!
with April NumamotoMaster one-stroke painting and the fine art of the cabbage rose! Learn new acrylic painting techniques and create some gorgeous art along the way!
11 minAcrylic Painting lesson6 CQ
Love the fine arts and ready to try your hand at creating a masterpiece? Learn how to paint a rose using acrylic paints in this clear, step-by-step lesson.
with April NumamotoLove the fine arts and ready to try your hand at creating a masterpiece? Learn how to paint a rose using acrylic paints in this clear, step-by-step lesson.
14 minFREEAcrylic Painting lessonFree8 CQ
Artist April Numamoto demonstrates how to combine multiple colors on a brush to paint vines, one stroke leaves, double stroke leaves, ferns, and wiggle leaves.
with April NumamotoArtist April Numamoto demonstrates how to combine multiple colors on a brush to paint vines, one stroke leaves, double stroke leaves, ferns, and wiggle leaves.
13 minAcrylic Painting lesson7 CQ
Professional painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates how to paint rosebuds with the one stroke method. They look complicated, but are fast and easy.
with April NumamotoProfessional painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates how to paint rosebuds with the one stroke method. They look complicated, but are fast and easy.
16 minAcrylic Painting lesson9 CQ
Learn how to paint branches to give them a more realistic look, and how to paint blossoms that provide depth and colors that enhance a painting.
with April NumamotoLearn how to paint branches to give them a more realistic look, and how to paint blossoms that provide depth and colors that enhance a painting.
11 minCrafts lesson6 CQ
Learn how to paint on glass in this lesson, and paint a sunflower on a wineglass using the one stroke painting method. This makes a great DIY gift!
with April NumamotoLearn how to paint on glass in this lesson, and paint a sunflower on a wineglass using the one stroke painting method. This makes a great DIY gift!
15 minAcrylic Painting lesson8 CQ
Learn how to paint grapes on canvas using the one stroke painting method, loading four colors on the brush at once for amazing results. Get dauber tips, too!
with April NumamotoLearn how to paint grapes on canvas using the one stroke painting method, loading four colors on the brush at once for amazing results. Get dauber tips, too!
16 minCrafts lesson9 CQ
Learn how to paint this hibiscus on a frosted vase. Painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates new one stroke painting strokes for masterful results!
with April NumamotoLearn how to paint this hibiscus on a frosted vase. Painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates new one stroke painting strokes for masterful results!
18 minAcrylic Painting lesson10 CQ
Professional painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates how to load the brush and adjust painting strokes to paint on a plastic surface.
with April NumamotoProfessional painter and art teacher April Numamoto demonstrates how to load the brush and adjust painting strokes to paint on a plastic surface.