Audrey N's Enrolled Lessons
8 minFREECrafts lessonFree5 CQ
Paint like the masters! Before you start compiling your oeuvre, learn the fundamentals. This tutorial demonstrates several basic watercolor techniques.
with Lorraine WatryPaint like the masters! Before you start compiling your oeuvre, learn the fundamentals. This tutorial demonstrates several basic watercolor techniques.
8 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Love art and wish you could paint watercolors like Van Gogh, Audubon, Hopper, and Cezanne? Learn basic brush techniques in this watercolor painting lesson.
with Lorraine WatryLove art and wish you could paint watercolors like Van Gogh, Audubon, Hopper, and Cezanne? Learn basic brush techniques in this watercolor painting lesson.
9 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Calling all budding artists! Learn watercolor painting stroke techniques such as applying salt, sponges, blooms, Magic Eraser, and sandpaper with pencils.
with Lorraine WatryCalling all budding artists! Learn watercolor painting stroke techniques such as applying salt, sponges, blooms, Magic Eraser, and sandpaper with pencils.
5 minCrafts lesson3 CQ
Watercolor is one of the simplest forms of painting, requiring few resources. In this lesson for beginner artists, learn techniques like glazing and feathering.
with Lorraine WatryWatercolor is one of the simplest forms of painting, requiring few resources. In this lesson for beginner artists, learn techniques like glazing and feathering.
14 minFREECrafts lessonFree8 CQ
Sunsets make beautiful paintings! In this beginning watercolor lesson, discover how to paint a sunset using a two color wash, then add in landscape details.
with Doris Charest StudioSunsets make beautiful paintings! In this beginning watercolor lesson, discover how to paint a sunset using a two color wash, then add in landscape details.
25 minCrafts lesson13 CQ
Learn how to paint a winter scene as artist Doris Charest shares watercolor tips on paper choice, brushes, and doing simple washes in this lesson for beginners.
with Doris Charest StudioLearn how to paint a winter scene as artist Doris Charest shares watercolor tips on paper choice, brushes, and doing simple washes in this lesson for beginners.
13 minCrafts lesson7 CQ
Discover how to watercolor a beautiful prairie setting with clouds, birds, and a fence in this beginning painting lesson from artist Doris Charest.
with Doris Charest StudioDiscover how to watercolor a beautiful prairie setting with clouds, birds, and a fence in this beginning painting lesson from artist Doris Charest.
11 minCrafts lesson6 CQ
In this beginning watercolor lesson, artist Doris Charest shows you how to pencil sketch, then paint a beautiful purple and yellow watercolor pansy.
with Doris Charest StudioIn this beginning watercolor lesson, artist Doris Charest shows you how to pencil sketch, then paint a beautiful purple and yellow watercolor pansy.
9 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Want to create a watercolor that can be finished in under an hour? Learn how to watercolor a pretty field with birds flying in this beginning watercolor lesson.
with Doris Charest StudioWant to create a watercolor that can be finished in under an hour? Learn how to watercolor a pretty field with birds flying in this beginning watercolor lesson.
13 minCrafts lesson7 CQ
Ready to expand your skills as a watercolorist? In this beginning watercolor lesson, learn how to paint a fisherman in a lake on a hot summer's day.
with Doris Charest StudioReady to expand your skills as a watercolorist? In this beginning watercolor lesson, learn how to paint a fisherman in a lake on a hot summer's day.