Gerasim B's Enrolled Lessons
6 minVideography lesson4 CQ
Looking for a challenge that will increase your filmmaking skills and make a great addition to your portfolio? Learn how to shoot a one take music video!
with Tom AntosLooking for a challenge that will increase your filmmaking skills and make a great addition to your portfolio? Learn how to shoot a one take music video!
7 minVideography lesson4 CQ
Music videos are over in minutes, but require tons of time and dough to make. Save money and gain filmmaking knowledge—learn how to shoot your own music video!
with Tom AntosMusic videos are over in minutes, but require tons of time and dough to make. Save money and gain filmmaking knowledge—learn how to shoot your own music video!
11 minVideography lesson6 CQ
Achieving invisibility is easy—when it comes to adding special effects to your film, that is! Learn how to get the green suit transparent effect.
with Tom AntosAchieving invisibility is easy—when it comes to adding special effects to your film, that is! Learn how to get the green suit transparent effect.
10 minVideography lesson6 CQ
An inexpensive camera can capture stunning video, but its ability to capture audio is less enchanting. Improve your film with a portable audio recorder!
with Tom AntosAn inexpensive camera can capture stunning video, but its ability to capture audio is less enchanting. Improve your film with a portable audio recorder!
7 minVideography lesson4 CQ
Want to shoot film, but don’t have a professional camera? Not a problem! Learn why a smaller, cheaper camera can actually be better than an expensive one!
with Tom AntosWant to shoot film, but don’t have a professional camera? Not a problem! Learn why a smaller, cheaper camera can actually be better than an expensive one!