Sharon L's Enrolled Lessons
8 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Having trouble parting with your old Christmas decorations this winter? Replace them with one or more of these four easy holiday-themed DIY projects.
with Amanda Nicole DIYHaving trouble parting with your old Christmas decorations this winter? Replace them with one or more of these four easy holiday-themed DIY projects.
5 minFREERussian lessonFree3 CQ
Let’s start at the very beginning: А, Б, В. Start learning Russian by memorizing the Russian alphabet and its Cyrillic symbols. It’s easier than it looks!
with Russian ZoneLet’s start at the very beginning: А, Б, В. Start learning Russian by memorizing the Russian alphabet and its Cyrillic symbols. It’s easier than it looks!
6 minRussian lesson4 CQ
Delve deeper into the study of Russian language and learn about Cyrillic letters with familiar sounds, as well as letters with sounds unique to Russian.
with Russian ZoneDelve deeper into the study of Russian language and learn about Cyrillic letters with familiar sounds, as well as letters with sounds unique to Russian.
2 minRussian lesson2 CQ
Traveling to Russia? Before leaving, learn basic, essential phrases to prepare for your arrival. Счастливого пути (Bon Voyage)!
with Russian ZoneTraveling to Russia? Before leaving, learn basic, essential phrases to prepare for your arrival. Счастливого пути (Bon Voyage)!
7 minRussian lesson4 CQ
Don't let a language barrier prevent you from making Russian friends. Whether traveling to Russia or conversing with a native speaker, learn Russian today!
with Russian ZoneDon't let a language barrier prevent you from making Russian friends. Whether traveling to Russia or conversing with a native speaker, learn Russian today!
3 minRussian lesson2 CQ
Traveling to Russia? Learn some basic, polite, Russian phrases before booking your trip! Don't travel to Russia without learning its unique language.
with Russian ZoneTraveling to Russia? Learn some basic, polite, Russian phrases before booking your trip! Don't travel to Russia without learning its unique language.
5 minRussian lesson3 CQ
Most likely, your first experience of Russia will be the airport. Learn Russian words and phrases to help you navigate the airport and communicate at customs.
with Russian ZoneMost likely, your first experience of Russia will be the airport. Learn Russian words and phrases to help you navigate the airport and communicate at customs.
9 minRussian lesson5 CQ
Now that you’ve learned the basics of the Cyrillic alphabet, learn how to pronounce each Russian consonant, whether hard, soft, voiced, or voiceless!
with Russian ZoneNow that you’ve learned the basics of the Cyrillic alphabet, learn how to pronounce each Russian consonant, whether hard, soft, voiced, or voiceless!
4 minRussian lesson3 CQ
Now that you’ve learned how to pronounce Russian consonants, learn how to pronounce Russian vowels, both hard indicating and soft indicating!
with Russian ZoneNow that you’ve learned how to pronounce Russian consonants, learn how to pronounce Russian vowels, both hard indicating and soft indicating!
4 minRussian lesson3 CQ
Learn how to describe your apartment or home in Russian! Practice basic Russian vocabulary for the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom.
with Russian ZoneLearn how to describe your apartment or home in Russian! Practice basic Russian vocabulary for the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom.