Mind + Body

5 Minute Cardio & Strength Workout

3 CQ

Use this quick but fulfilling routine from Lora Workouts for both muscle toning and fat burn, even if you are on vacation. No gym equipment needed!

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Margaret S
Curious .
Thanks for your feedback, Margaret! Your opinion is appreciated
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Teresa K
thank you for your quick response. what is half prepared food?
Curious .
Half-prepared is food, for example, lasagna from the supermarket that you only need to add water for the sauce. Such things normally contain a lot of salt that makes you hold water inside your body (bad for the cellulite) and other conservators that are bad for your overall health. Buy your products fresh, cut and mix. This is my advice
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Teresa K
Thank you. You make it easy to do and easy to understand with your examples. Do you have any tips or things you could share about your diet that helps the workout.
Curious .
Hi, Teresa! Thanks for your comment! Yes, I have some tips for you. It is very important to eat fresh veggies every day. Add a fresh salad to your lunch. Also eat a lot of iron and protein veggies such as spinach and broccoli. Quit any fast and half-prepared food. I hope this is useful for you! Good luck, Lora
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James D
This is a good workout for someone like me to get back into cardio. Thank you!
Curious .
You are welcome, James!
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Kim W
Nice short workouts for vacations. I will try to keep doing it.
Curious .
Thanks, Kim, for leaving a comment! Consistency is most important for progress! Check out the other workouts available and switch the routines for best results Good luck, Lora
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