Jim W's Enrolled Lessons
4 minDIY lesson3 CQ
Interested in keeping backyard chickens? In this lesson, you’ll learn the basics of chicken coops, and what to consider when building or purchasing your coop.
with Jen BouldenInterested in keeping backyard chickens? In this lesson, you’ll learn the basics of chicken coops, and what to consider when building or purchasing your coop.
3 minFREEDIY lessonFree2 CQ
Why should you keep backyard chickens? In this lesson, you’ll discover the many health benefits of raising chickens in urban and suburban areas.
with Jen BouldenWhy should you keep backyard chickens? In this lesson, you’ll discover the many health benefits of raising chickens in urban and suburban areas.
4 minFREECrafts lessonFree3 CQ
Need a new wallet that will last? Save money by making your own eco-friendly wallet from grocery store plastic bags in this lesson from Crafty Gemini.
with Crafty GeminiNeed a new wallet that will last? Save money by making your own eco-friendly wallet from grocery store plastic bags in this lesson from Crafty Gemini.
2 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
Use a stencil to paint a border pattern on your wall - perfect for running above counters and appliances to add a little spice to your kitchen wallpaper!
Use a stencil to paint a border pattern on your wall - perfect for running above counters and appliances to add a little spice to your kitchen wallpaper!
4 minFREEGardening lessonFree3 CQ
Blueberries are tasty, incredibly good for your health, and can also be grown in your own garden! Learn how you can cultivate this delicious crop.
with GrowOrganic.comBlueberries are tasty, incredibly good for your health, and can also be grown in your own garden! Learn how you can cultivate this delicious crop.