Krystle V's Enrolled Lessons
8 minFREEStatistics lessonFree5 CQ
Learn how to run a mixed strategy algorithm—once you can calculate the payoffs for a mixed strategy, you can make an educated decision and the best choice.
with William SpanielLearn how to run a mixed strategy algorithm—once you can calculate the payoffs for a mixed strategy, you can make an educated decision and the best choice.
5 minFREEStatistics lessonFree3 CQ
What happens if two suspects are questioned on suspicion of robbery? If everyone is looking out for their own interests, the results might surprise you!
with William SpanielWhat happens if two suspects are questioned on suspicion of robbery? If everyone is looking out for their own interests, the results might surprise you!
2 minSpanish lesson2 CQ
As a child, you probably memorized how to count from one to ten in Spanish— now learn the systems for counting all the way from zero up to one million!
As a child, you probably memorized how to count from one to ten in Spanish— now learn the systems for counting all the way from zero up to one million!
6 minFREEMemory lessonFree4 CQ
Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
with Es EinsteiniumTired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.