Althea L's Enrolled Lessons
13 minFrench lesson7 CQ
Ready to learn a new language? This lesson teaches you the 2 ways of saying "a" (un, une) and how to use 'des'. Learn how to speak French, the romance language!
Ready to learn a new language? This lesson teaches you the 2 ways of saying "a" (un, une) and how to use 'des'. Learn how to speak French, the romance language!
3 minFREEItalian lessonFree2 CQ
Whether you are planning a vacation, or are just interested in the Italian language, begin learning some basic greetings with the help of Learn Italian Easy.
with Learn Italian EasyWhether you are planning a vacation, or are just interested in the Italian language, begin learning some basic greetings with the help of Learn Italian Easy.
2 minItalian lesson2 CQ
Taking a trip to Italy and want to impress the natives? Learn how to use Italian greetings and gather some tidbits about Italian culture in this tutorial.
with Learn Italian EasyTaking a trip to Italy and want to impress the natives? Learn how to use Italian greetings and gather some tidbits about Italian culture in this tutorial.
4 minSpanish lesson3 CQ
Don’t be caught at a loss for words! Improve your foreign language skills and learn how to discuss the date, day of the week, and time of day in Spanish!
Don’t be caught at a loss for words! Improve your foreign language skills and learn how to discuss the date, day of the week, and time of day in Spanish!
16 minFrench lesson9 CQ
Parlez-vous français? Learning the French language is a rewarding challenge that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Start learning French today.
Parlez-vous français? Learning the French language is a rewarding challenge that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Start learning French today.
2 minGerman lesson2 CQ
Want to learn how to speak German? There’s a lot to practice on the pronunciation front! This lesson sounds out the phonetics of the German alphabet.
with Meister LehnsherrWant to learn how to speak German? There’s a lot to practice on the pronunciation front! This lesson sounds out the phonetics of the German alphabet.