Jelena r's Enrolled Lessons
10 minSinging lesson6 CQ
This singing lesson--geared toward singers who don’t play instruments--offers a list of smartphone apps that will help you warm up your voice!
This singing lesson--geared toward singers who don’t play instruments--offers a list of smartphone apps that will help you warm up your voice!
3 minSinging lesson2 CQ
Sit up straight and tall! No, this isn’t a lesson in manners--this is a singing lesson! The Singing Pod reveals how posture affects a singing voice.
Sit up straight and tall! No, this isn’t a lesson in manners--this is a singing lesson! The Singing Pod reveals how posture affects a singing voice.
10 minSinging lesson6 CQ
What do the four onsets of vocal tone sound like? Discover the aspirate, glottal, glide, and creak onsets and find out how to create them with your own voice.
What do the four onsets of vocal tone sound like? Discover the aspirate, glottal, glide, and creak onsets and find out how to create them with your own voice.
4 minFREESinging lessonFree3 CQ
Ever wondered how the human voice works? Singing anatomy is crucial in learning how to stretch your own capabilities. Explore your voice in this lesson.
Ever wondered how the human voice works? Singing anatomy is crucial in learning how to stretch your own capabilities. Explore your voice in this lesson.