K m's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREENutrition lessonFree4 CQ
When you fall off the diet wagon, you fall off hard. Explore an alternative method for eating healthy that doesn’t drain all of your hard-earned willpower.
with Darya RoseWhen you fall off the diet wagon, you fall off hard. Explore an alternative method for eating healthy that doesn’t drain all of your hard-earned willpower.
4 minFREEFitness lessonFree3 CQ
You don't need much strength to escape the hold of a big person. In this self-defense lesson, learn how to use your bodyweight to break free from a wrist grab.
with Chuck JohnsonYou don't need much strength to escape the hold of a big person. In this self-defense lesson, learn how to use your bodyweight to break free from a wrist grab.
12 minFREEMeditation lessonFree7 CQ
In this meditation lesson, learn the elements of meditating through a guided session that explores the three-part breath, and how to handle an active mind.
with The Miracle ForestIn this meditation lesson, learn the elements of meditating through a guided session that explores the three-part breath, and how to handle an active mind.
6 minFREEFirst Aid lessonFree4 CQ
This lesson will teach you how to administer adult CPR, including techniques for rescue breathing and chest compression. Learn CPR and save a life!
with CPRCertified.comThis lesson will teach you how to administer adult CPR, including techniques for rescue breathing and chest compression. Learn CPR and save a life!
3 minFREECats lessonFree2 CQ
You've chosen an adorable shelter cat, but how can you help him feel comfortable in his new home? Learn the basics of preparing for and taking home a new cat.
You've chosen an adorable shelter cat, but how can you help him feel comfortable in his new home? Learn the basics of preparing for and taking home a new cat.
5 minFREECartooning lessonFree3 CQ
Do you love hippopotamuses? Who doesn't! In this lesson, Cartooning4Kids shows how to sketch the face and body of a sweet, smiling girl hippo.
with Cartooning4KidsDo you love hippopotamuses? Who doesn't! In this lesson, Cartooning4Kids shows how to sketch the face and body of a sweet, smiling girl hippo.