Hannah D's Enrolled Lessons
13 minFREECartooning lessonFree7 CQ
Do you dream of creating a comic or manga? In this introductory lesson, learn about the fundamentals of storytelling for graphic novels and comics.
with Jose MojicaDo you dream of creating a comic or manga? In this introductory lesson, learn about the fundamentals of storytelling for graphic novels and comics.
5 minFREECartooning lessonFree3 CQ
Do you love hippopotamuses? Who doesn't! In this lesson, Cartooning4Kids shows how to sketch the face and body of a sweet, smiling girl hippo.
with Cartooning4KidsDo you love hippopotamuses? Who doesn't! In this lesson, Cartooning4Kids shows how to sketch the face and body of a sweet, smiling girl hippo.
6 minFREECartooning lessonFree4 CQ
Throw all other drawing ideas out the window and learn how to draw a cartoon cat so cute it will make your friends and family lose their marbles.
with DrawingTeachersThrow all other drawing ideas out the window and learn how to draw a cartoon cat so cute it will make your friends and family lose their marbles.