Kay B's Enrolled Lessons
9 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Calling all budding artists! Learn watercolor painting stroke techniques such as applying salt, sponges, blooms, Magic Eraser, and sandpaper with pencils.
with Lorraine WatryCalling all budding artists! Learn watercolor painting stroke techniques such as applying salt, sponges, blooms, Magic Eraser, and sandpaper with pencils.
8 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Love art and wish you could paint watercolors like Van Gogh, Audubon, Hopper, and Cezanne? Learn basic brush techniques in this watercolor painting lesson.
with Lorraine WatryLove art and wish you could paint watercolors like Van Gogh, Audubon, Hopper, and Cezanne? Learn basic brush techniques in this watercolor painting lesson.
8 minFREECrafts lessonFree5 CQ
Paint like the masters! Before you start compiling your oeuvre, learn the fundamentals. This tutorial demonstrates several basic watercolor techniques.
with Lorraine WatryPaint like the masters! Before you start compiling your oeuvre, learn the fundamentals. This tutorial demonstrates several basic watercolor techniques.