Austin M's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREECars + Motorcycles lessonFree4 CQ
Did you know that the word "engine" is short for "an ingenious thing?" Learn the basics of a dual overhead cam engine in this lesson from EricTheCarGuy.
with EricTheCarGuyDid you know that the word "engine" is short for "an ingenious thing?" Learn the basics of a dual overhead cam engine in this lesson from EricTheCarGuy.
9 minCars + Motorcycles lesson5 CQ
There is a balance between your car's fuel economy and power—learn how these issues are related, and how the timing belt keeps a car engine running smoothly.
with EricTheCarGuyThere is a balance between your car's fuel economy and power—learn how these issues are related, and how the timing belt keeps a car engine running smoothly.
8 minCars + Motorcycles lesson5 CQ
You take your car in every so often for a "valve job," but do you know why? Learn all about valves, springs, and seals in this lesson from EricTheCarGuy.
with EricTheCarGuyYou take your car in every so often for a "valve job," but do you know why? Learn all about valves, springs, and seals in this lesson from EricTheCarGuy.
7 minCars + Motorcycles lesson4 CQ
Ever wonder how your car turns gasoline to energy? EricTheCarGuy explains internal combustion, and what pistons have to do with the size of your engine.
with EricTheCarGuyEver wonder how your car turns gasoline to energy? EricTheCarGuy explains internal combustion, and what pistons have to do with the size of your engine.
8 minFREECars + Motorcycles lessonFree5 CQ
Learning how to change the oil in your car is inexpensive and simple with proper instruction. Find out how to do this and basic car maintenance in this lesson.
with EricTheCarGuyLearning how to change the oil in your car is inexpensive and simple with proper instruction. Find out how to do this and basic car maintenance in this lesson.
5 minCars + Motorcycles lesson3 CQ
If a tire's sprung a leak, there are multiple ways to fix it—replacing, patching, or plugging. In this automotive lesson, learn how to plug a tire in a pinch.
with EricTheCarGuyIf a tire's sprung a leak, there are multiple ways to fix it—replacing, patching, or plugging. In this automotive lesson, learn how to plug a tire in a pinch.
8 minCars + Motorcycles lesson5 CQ
Changing a flat tire yourself can save a lot of trouble. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to use your car's spare and tools to change a flat.
with EricTheCarGuyChanging a flat tire yourself can save a lot of trouble. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to use your car's spare and tools to change a flat.
3 minCars + Motorcycles lesson2 CQ
Streaky windshield wipers means it's time for some new ones. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to replace both the blade and the entire wiper assembly.
with EricTheCarGuyStreaky windshield wipers means it's time for some new ones. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to replace both the blade and the entire wiper assembly.
3 minCars + Motorcycles lesson2 CQ
Headlight out? In this DIY auto repair lesson, Eric the Car Guy demonstrates how to replace a headlight bulb, and helps to troubleshoot other problems.
with EricTheCarGuyHeadlight out? In this DIY auto repair lesson, Eric the Car Guy demonstrates how to replace a headlight bulb, and helps to troubleshoot other problems.
8 minCars + Motorcycles lesson5 CQ
Car filters get dirty—it's their job. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to change out your car's air filter and fuel filter with Eric the Car Guy.
with EricTheCarGuyCar filters get dirty—it's their job. In this DIY auto repair lesson, learn how to change out your car's air filter and fuel filter with Eric the Car Guy.