Joseph S's Enrolled Lessons
13 minFREE3D Design lessonFree7 CQ
In this lesson, 3D designer Yuval Dorfman walks through setting up the render of a home basement in 3ds Max, using the architectural drawings of a home.
with Yuval DorfmanIn this lesson, 3D designer Yuval Dorfman walks through setting up the render of a home basement in 3ds Max, using the architectural drawings of a home.
13 minFREE3D Design lessonFree7 CQ
Follow along with Yuval Dorfman as he continues demonstrating how to accurately draw a basement from architectural drawings in 3ds Max.
with Yuval DorfmanFollow along with Yuval Dorfman as he continues demonstrating how to accurately draw a basement from architectural drawings in 3ds Max.
13 min3D Design lesson7 CQ
This lesson finishes up the basement in 3ds Max, with its walls, doors and windows, finally adding on the interior ceiling as shown in the architect's drawing.
with Yuval DorfmanThis lesson finishes up the basement in 3ds Max, with its walls, doors and windows, finally adding on the interior ceiling as shown in the architect's drawing.
13 minFREE3D Design lessonFree7 CQ
In this lesson, 3D designer Yuval Dorfman demonstrates how to use an architectural drawing to set up the exterior render of the first floor of a home in 3ds Max
with Yuval DorfmanIn this lesson, 3D designer Yuval Dorfman demonstrates how to use an architectural drawing to set up the exterior render of the first floor of a home in 3ds Max
12 min3D Design lesson7 CQ
Learn how to shorten the drawing time of the ground floor plan as well as how to stack the completed floor exactly on top of the basement level in 3ds Max.
with Yuval DorfmanLearn how to shorten the drawing time of the ground floor plan as well as how to stack the completed floor exactly on top of the basement level in 3ds Max.
12 minFREE3D Design lessonFree7 CQ
3D designer Yuval Dorfman continues these lessons for rendering an architectural drawing in 3ds Max, reviewing the basic steps to get an accurate layout.
with Yuval Dorfman3D designer Yuval Dorfman continues these lessons for rendering an architectural drawing in 3ds Max, reviewing the basic steps to get an accurate layout.
14 min3D Design lesson8 CQ
This lesson demonstrates how to draw the layout of the second floor plan of the architectural drawing, accurately creating all the walls and windows in 3ds Max.
with Yuval DorfmanThis lesson demonstrates how to draw the layout of the second floor plan of the architectural drawing, accurately creating all the walls and windows in 3ds Max.
13 min3D Design lesson7 CQ
3D designer Yuval Dorfman shows how to move the second floor of your home model accurately and how to make modifications to the exterior walls in 3ds Max.
with Yuval Dorfman3D designer Yuval Dorfman shows how to move the second floor of your home model accurately and how to make modifications to the exterior walls in 3ds Max.
11 min3D Design lesson6 CQ
This lesson from walks through drawing the external elements and roof of the house and modifying them in 3ds Max according to the architectural drawing.
with Yuval DorfmanThis lesson from walks through drawing the external elements and roof of the house and modifying them in 3ds Max according to the architectural drawing.
10 min3D Design lesson6 CQ
Learn how to add the roof covering and its openings, as well as how to make the balcony overhang on a drawing of a house in this lesson about 3ds Max.
with Yuval DorfmanLearn how to add the roof covering and its openings, as well as how to make the balcony overhang on a drawing of a house in this lesson about 3ds Max.