Jamie H's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREECommunication lessonFree3 CQ
"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.
with Clint Smith"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.
5 minCrafts lesson3 CQ
Learn how to draw a female aviator in this simple sketching lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart. You'll even include the iconic goggles and retro aviator's cap.
with Christopher HartLearn how to draw a female aviator in this simple sketching lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart. You'll even include the iconic goggles and retro aviator's cap.
5 minCrafts lesson3 CQ
You know that one know-it-all kid with the buck teeth and weird haircut? Learn how to draw him as a cartoon with this lesson on drawing exaggerated characters.
with Christopher HartYou know that one know-it-all kid with the buck teeth and weird haircut? Learn how to draw him as a cartoon with this lesson on drawing exaggerated characters.
4 minCrafts lesson3 CQ
Working on your sketching chops? In this lesson, professional cartoonist Chris Hart gives you step-by-step instructions on how to draw a cartoon teenage girl.
with Christopher HartWorking on your sketching chops? In this lesson, professional cartoonist Chris Hart gives you step-by-step instructions on how to draw a cartoon teenage girl.
5 minCrafts lesson3 CQ
Rah, rah, sis boom bah! Get into the spirit of the game by learning how to draw a cartoon cheerleader from best-selling author Chris Hart. Go team!
with Christopher HartRah, rah, sis boom bah! Get into the spirit of the game by learning how to draw a cartoon cheerleader from best-selling author Chris Hart. Go team!
3 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Learn how to draw a character that is irritated. You'll start by sketching the basic face and body shape, then add-in the down-turned eyes and telling details.
with Christopher HartLearn how to draw a character that is irritated. You'll start by sketching the basic face and body shape, then add-in the down-turned eyes and telling details.
3 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Looking for some ideas for a goofy character in your next animation? Learn how to draw a retro-looking dad with a big head and thick horn-rimmed glasses.
with Christopher HartLooking for some ideas for a goofy character in your next animation? Learn how to draw a retro-looking dad with a big head and thick horn-rimmed glasses.
7 minCrafts lesson4 CQ
In this quick drawing lesson, cartoonist and best-selling author Chris Hart depicts his process of drawing an exaggerated cartoon girl with a retro twist.
with Christopher HartIn this quick drawing lesson, cartoonist and best-selling author Chris Hart depicts his process of drawing an exaggerated cartoon girl with a retro twist.
6 minFREEDrawing lessonFree4 CQ
In this lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you’ll learn how to use juxtaposition to draw a superhero like you see in comic books and animation.
with Christopher HartIn this lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you’ll learn how to use juxtaposition to draw a superhero like you see in comic books and animation.
2 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
In this drawing lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you'll learn how to draw a knight wearing armor and a helmet. Don't forget his full beard and shaggy hair.
with Christopher HartIn this drawing lesson by cartoonist Chris Hart, you'll learn how to draw a knight wearing armor and a helmet. Don't forget his full beard and shaggy hair.