Judy S's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREEEngineering lessonFree3 CQ
Imagine what you might do if you could print your own solar panels. That's kind of the dream behind Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein's Solar Pocket Factory.
with Science FridayImagine what you might do if you could print your own solar panels. That's kind of the dream behind Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein's Solar Pocket Factory.
4 minFREEPhysics lessonFree3 CQ
BASE stands for the objects the practitioners of the sport jump from: buildings, antennas, spans, earth. Wingsuits are sometimes involved; parachutes, always.
with Science FridayBASE stands for the objects the practitioners of the sport jump from: buildings, antennas, spans, earth. Wingsuits are sometimes involved; parachutes, always.
4 minFREEPhotography lessonFree3 CQ
Plants may be stationary, but they're rarely still, says biologist Roger Hangarter, creator of the website Plants in Motion.
with Science FridayPlants may be stationary, but they're rarely still, says biologist Roger Hangarter, creator of the website Plants in Motion.
3 minFREEPhysics lessonFree2 CQ
About ten years ago, two scientists had a little extra time on board NASA's low gravity aircraft and came up with the idea of popping water balloons.
with Science FridayAbout ten years ago, two scientists had a little extra time on board NASA's low gravity aircraft and came up with the idea of popping water balloons.
4 minFREEBiology lessonFree3 CQ
How do naked mole rats live to 30 years without getting cancer? Research by Vera Gorbunova and Andrei Seluanov of the University of Rochester shows how these aesthetically challenged creatures live long, cancer-free lives.
with Science FridayHow do naked mole rats live to 30 years without getting cancer? Research by Vera Gorbunova and Andrei Seluanov of the University of Rochester shows how these aesthetically challenged creatures live long, cancer-free lives.
4 minFREEBiology lessonFree3 CQ
Can woolly bear caterpillars predict winter weather?
with Science FridayCan woolly bear caterpillars predict winter weather?
2 minFREEGardening lessonFree2 CQ
A rooftop farm in Brooklyn grows vegetables and doubles as a green roof, insulating the warehouse below.
with Science FridayA rooftop farm in Brooklyn grows vegetables and doubles as a green roof, insulating the warehouse below.
4 minFREEPhotography lessonFree3 CQ
Meet a Polaroid camera that weighs 235 pounds and takes 2-foot-tall instant snapshots.
with Science FridayMeet a Polaroid camera that weighs 235 pounds and takes 2-foot-tall instant snapshots.
2 minFREEAstronomy lessonFree2 CQ
Using the Swedish Solar Telescope, a ground-based observatory, Goran Scharmer and colleagues probe the penumbra—that's the stringy structure around the perimeter of the dark part of the sunspot.
with Science FridayUsing the Swedish Solar Telescope, a ground-based observatory, Goran Scharmer and colleagues probe the penumbra—that's the stringy structure around the perimeter of the dark part of the sunspot.
4 minFREENight Photography lessonFree3 CQ
Photographer Colin Legg makes time-lapse movies of celestial scenes. Legg shares tips, and describes some of the challenges of landscape astrophotography—from babysitting cameras for days and nights on end to running electronics off the grid.
with Science FridayPhotographer Colin Legg makes time-lapse movies of celestial scenes. Legg shares tips, and describes some of the challenges of landscape astrophotography—from babysitting cameras for days and nights on end to running electronics off the grid.