Richard B's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREEPsychology lessonFree4 CQ
To be memorable, the first step is to make it easy for others to feel good when they interact with you. This lesson demonstrates some easy ways to do just that!
with Vanessa Van EdwardsTo be memorable, the first step is to make it easy for others to feel good when they interact with you. This lesson demonstrates some easy ways to do just that!
16 minFREEPiano lessonFree9 CQ
Just getting started on piano? In this introductory lesson, find middle C, the most important note on the keyboard, and start learning major scales.
with Paul CorganJust getting started on piano? In this introductory lesson, find middle C, the most important note on the keyboard, and start learning major scales.
9 minFREElessonFree5 CQ
Have a slow drain or standing water in your sink basin? Jeff from Home Repair Tutor shows you how to unclog a sink, using a few easy-to-find household tools.
with Home Repair TutorHave a slow drain or standing water in your sink basin? Jeff from Home Repair Tutor shows you how to unclog a sink, using a few easy-to-find household tools.
27 minFREEMixology lessonFree14 CQ
Are you a home brewing novice? Learn the tricks and techniques of brewing a Nut Brown Ale, as well as the chemistry behind a delicious, balanced brew.
with James (celeb)Are you a home brewing novice? Learn the tricks and techniques of brewing a Nut Brown Ale, as well as the chemistry behind a delicious, balanced brew.