Sabrina C's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREECrafts lessonFree3 CQ
Yarn labels can be confusing to read, especially for those new to crochet. Learn how to navigate various label types and figure out important yarn information.
Yarn labels can be confusing to read, especially for those new to crochet. Learn how to navigate various label types and figure out important yarn information.
5 minFREEMind + Body lessonFree3 CQ
ChronicBabe offers five ways to gently but firmly answer anyone who has questions about you and your chronic illness, without causing too much grief.
with Curious .ChronicBabe offers five ways to gently but firmly answer anyone who has questions about you and your chronic illness, without causing too much grief.
7 minMind + Body lesson4 CQ
Learn how to fill that downtime with sacred practices that will not just help you feel better, but also bring much needed peace to your day.
with Curious .Learn how to fill that downtime with sacred practices that will not just help you feel better, but also bring much needed peace to your day.
6 minMind + Body lesson4 CQ
In this lesson, ChronicBabe has excellent advice for dealing with feelings of comparison and how to use the opportunity to listen and build relationships.
with Curious .In this lesson, ChronicBabe has excellent advice for dealing with feelings of comparison and how to use the opportunity to listen and build relationships.
9 minMind + Body lesson5 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to find your self-worth in the face of chronic illness and how to communicate with your partner during those discouraging times.
with Curious .In this lesson, learn how to find your self-worth in the face of chronic illness and how to communicate with your partner during those discouraging times.
6 minMind + Body lesson4 CQ
ChronicBabe discusses strategies for talking with well-meaning relationships that may not understand your personal struggle and make discouraging remarks.
with Curious .ChronicBabe discusses strategies for talking with well-meaning relationships that may not understand your personal struggle and make discouraging remarks.
6 minMind + Body lesson4 CQ
In this lesson from ChronicBabe are great tips for building connections and deepening relationships with your circle of friends during a bout of sickness.
with Curious .In this lesson from ChronicBabe are great tips for building connections and deepening relationships with your circle of friends during a bout of sickness.
12 minFREEDance lessonFree7 CQ
Learn how to dance salsa - one step at a time! Take a dance class in the privacy of your home and learn the latin ballroom dance skills to impress.
with Ryan PerezLearn how to dance salsa - one step at a time! Take a dance class in the privacy of your home and learn the latin ballroom dance skills to impress.
7 minDance lesson4 CQ
Are you ready to add a little more style to your salsa moves? This dance lesson will teach you how to dance salsa with your arms and your hips!
with Ryan PerezAre you ready to add a little more style to your salsa moves? This dance lesson will teach you how to dance salsa with your arms and your hips!
5 minDance lesson3 CQ
Partner dancing was never so easy! This salsa dance lesson will teach you the proper way to lead and follow. Learn all the basics of partner work!
with Ryan PerezPartner dancing was never so easy! This salsa dance lesson will teach you the proper way to lead and follow. Learn all the basics of partner work!