Learn to Code Python | Part 2

59 CQ
22 Lessons
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    1. How to Create User Inputs in Python
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Want your code to interact with user input? Whether you are using Python 3 or Python 2.7 and earlier, this tutorial covers how to use the input function.

    Want your code to interact with user input? Whether you are using Python 3 or Python 2.7 and earlier, this tutorial covers how to use the input function.

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    3 CQ
    2. How to Retrieve User Inputs in Python
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Once you’ve learned which input function to use for your version of Python, this tutorial provides the skills necessary to allow users to input their own data.

    Once you’ve learned which input function to use for your version of Python, this tutorial provides the skills necessary to allow users to input their own data.

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    3. Using Strings as Objects in Python
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Did you know that strings can act as objects in Python? Learn the implications of creating string-based objects using this illustrative tutorial.

    Did you know that strings can act as objects in Python? Learn the implications of creating string-based objects using this illustrative tutorial.

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    4. How to Split and Join Strings in Python
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Expand your repertoire of string-related methods with this tutorial, which covers how to join lists into strings and split strings into lists.

    Expand your repertoire of string-related methods with this tutorial, which covers how to join lists into strings and split strings into lists.

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    5. The Syntax of Functions in Python
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Interested in creating your own, customizable functions in Python? This tutorial introduces you to the syntax you need to know when defining a new function.

    Interested in creating your own, customizable functions in Python? This tutorial introduces you to the syntax you need to know when defining a new function.

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