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Food Luv Bites
Food Luv Bites -- an Online Cooking Show

Food Luv Bites is an online cooking show where husband and wife Coris and Jessica, teach home-cooking directly from their kitchen. Jessica gathers a lot of the information and narrates through while Coris demonstrates the different recipes they stir up.

They have been cooking together for over 15 years combining a lot of their own heritage. Coris grew up on southern food, while Jessica grew up on Dominican food. So here you will find a taste of both worlds — now that's love.

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New Curious lesson - How to Make Homemade Pizza

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, How to Make Homemade Pizza!

If you are craving crispy crust and gooey cheese, put down the takeout menu, and try learn the recipe for homemade pizza in this lesson!

Happy Learning!

Thanks, Food Luv Bites

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