TAPAprep is a college prep institution, established with the purpose and mission of challenging students to pursue higher standards. We’ve applied that same standard of excellence in the quality and precision of our self-paced programs. We have always expected the best from each of our students and ensured that our teachers are experienced, competent, and caring. TAPAprep delivers high quality video instruction to help students prepare for their most important moments.
24291 min24-part College Prep course157 CQ
In this course, TAPAprep guides you through the SAT math section from the ground up. Learn the fundamental strategies for efficiently solving tough questions, and start paving the way to SAT success!
with TAPAprepIn this course, TAPAprep guides you through the SAT math section from the ground up. Learn the fundamental strategies for efficiently solving tough questions, and start paving the way to SAT success!
Other Lessons by TAPAprep
12 minFREECollege Prep lessonFree7 CQ
In this ACT prep lesson from TAPAprep, learn how to correctly identify grammar errors like comma splices and sentence fragments on the ACT English test.
with TAPAprepIn this ACT prep lesson from TAPAprep, learn how to correctly identify grammar errors like comma splices and sentence fragments on the ACT English test.
13 minFREEMath lessonFree7 CQ
Increase your chances of getting correct answers on the Math portion of the SAT or ACT by learning the what the rules of parity are and how to use them.
with TAPAprepIncrease your chances of getting correct answers on the Math portion of the SAT or ACT by learning the what the rules of parity are and how to use them.
13 minFREECollege Prep lessonFree7 CQ
Improving your grammar skills is a vital part of studying for the Writing portion of the SAT. Conquer tough questions with these rules for using pronouns.
with TAPAprepImproving your grammar skills is a vital part of studying for the Writing portion of the SAT. Conquer tough questions with these rules for using pronouns.