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Media Unlocked
Media Unlocked

MediaUnlocked is a company dedicated to providing the first few boosts for those looking for a lifetime hobby or professional career in photography and videography. Focused mainly on those interested in dslr camera system, MediaUnlocked also offers experienced advice on quality equipment as well and editing programs. The creator, David Disponett, became an avid student of film and photography in his early twenties and now has a love for teaching those starting out. He was one of the first to use the Magic Lantern program on the MAC computer system and then to create a tutorial explaining the shortcuts. He has researched and found ways to make professional photography more affordable for others, and considers dslr cameras to be his forte. MediaUnlocked strives to connect and educate those with questions or concerns regarding camera and film. All professionals started somewhere.

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New Curious lesson - Nikon D5100 Menu Systems

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson Nikon D5100 Menu Systems.

You’ve had a photo session and you’d like to review the results: enter the Nikon D5100 playback menu. Media Unlocked shows how to navigate Nikon D5100 menus.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

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