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Business Curio

February 6, 2019

The State of the Union and a border state

4 CQ

The border dominated President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday, in which he said immigration by undocumented people hurts the "working class" in the U.S. We dig into his claim and hear about those whose livelihoods depend on crossing the border daily. Plus, what does the future hold following the U.S. withdrawal from a 30-year-old nuclear arms treaty? Plus, a day after it announced 4,000 layoffs, General Motors said it's hiring 1,000 workers for a plant in Michigan, and it's all thanks to America's re-found love for trucks.

Today's show is sponsored by Avery Publishing , the United States Postal Service  and Indeed .

Aired February 6, 2019

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Hillary R
I agree with President Trump. We will not be a social country!!
Chris R
I don't understand your comment. Unless you meant socialist, instead of social, country. None of the content discussed touched on this though. Also, every subsidy or payment from taxes that provides a public benefit - such as for fracking and oil or nuclear power related businesses, or even as simply as police and fire depts, are socialist acts. It's a spectrum.
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