How diversity could be an antidote to a toxic workplace

5 CQ

(U.S. Edition) The Turkish lira rebounded again today, but there's been no cooldown in the ongoing feud between Turkey and the U.S. About a week after the U.S. raised tariffs on Turkish metals, Turkey followed suit with a tariff hike of its own on many items from the U.S. It's the latest move in this economic tug-of-war between the two countries, and we speak to the BBC's Turkey correspondent to hear about next steps. Also, we got a reading on retail sales that should be up, and we talk to Marketplace's Erika Beras for more. And, we've been discussing toxic workplaces in the past week, especially bullying bosses and harassment. Could diversity be a solution? We talk to a consultant who helps companies devise inclusion strategies to find some answers. Today's show is sponsored by Indeed ( ) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation ( ). (08/15/2018)

Aired August 15, 2018

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