
An Analysis of Plato's Cave

5 CQ

How can we know if what we perceive is real? What's true belief and what's knowledge? Socrates tackles these questions in Plato's cave allegory.

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jaime h
A lot of people perceive things, in a way that's beneficial to them (emotionally). Even if it's a full flight from reality and in stay in the comfort zone. PRISON, Dead end job, bad relationship, on and on.
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Alyzza M
That is so cool hahaha ive learnt a lot
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Brad L
Very thought provoking in a well placed time...
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Sam M
Easy to follow and engaging video! Thank you
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Lydia P
My God, I saw this phlosophical allegory before and I miss-understood it; now, I see clearly what Plato/Socrates/etc. tried to tell. Plato main phlosphy was: Men=ideas. Ideas must be followed by action. Many people prefer (?) to be in the obscure/shadows mind, because it is not 'easy' to be out; sometimes due to the environment, but most due to the people who wants us to be in total ignorance (it's most easy to be domain them)
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