Overview | Types of Sign Language

3 CQ

Did you know that American Sign Language (ASL) is just one of 3 types of sign language used in the US? Learn about sign language systems in the US and abroad!

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Faye O
thank you for the lesson
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jamie g
hope your videos get take down soon considering you are being protested by many people in the deaf community are protesting your videos http://www.change.org/petitions/ryan-moriarty-stop-profiteering-off-the-deaf
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Siarra S
i love how you explained the differences between asl, pse, mce..looking forward to the next video!
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Why would the answer to "what is the most detailed way to sign" be "SEE" because it includes all the English suffixes and prefixes? I would guarantee you that every Deaf person who uses ASL would disagree with this poorly worded question 100% because you can be VERY detailed in the entirely complete and independent language that ASL is.
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SignLanguageSupport 1
Ryan: your explanation of pidgin is extremely lacking. A pidgin is a linguistic concept in which you combine two languages: the vocabulary of one and the grammar of another but do not have a unique language in itself. PSE is difficult to do accurately (for lack of a better word) because often the plurals and tenses and mass nouns are lost, aka all those things you think "don't matter" but do. This video needs to be updated asap.
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