Mind + Body

How to Dry Can Ground Beef

7 CQ

Why stop at canning fruit? Carnivores can stock up for winter, too! Learn how to dry can ground beef using a pressure canner, from cooking meat to cooling jars.

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karen e
Love this lesson it was very good , I have never though of doing this with beef , but I will try doing it one day soon ,with Beef or Chicken one day soon thank you for your time with the lessons Thank you Karen
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Linda, I take a cured ham and boil it. I take a 2 qt jar put a raw onion and celery at the bottom. I put ham and raw potatoes and carrots and fill it up with cabbage. I take the ham water fill it up pressure 15lb for 15 minutes. You have a meal in a jar for 2 people
Linda's Pantry
Did it still taste like Ham?
Yes it did Because I used the ham water that I boiled it in. But I am concerned about the time. The meat is fully cooked and pressure canners recipes call for 1hr or 11/2 hrs
Linda's Pantry
Any meat cooked or not has to be pressure canned 75 minutes for pints and 90 minutes for quarts no exceptions as far as I am concerned and any canning book I have ever read:)
Thank you. I am thinking about cooking pork ribs in my crock pot and deboning it and then adding bb sauce & water. Do you have any other recipes for mea?
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Linda, I really enjoyed the canning of hamburg
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Roy R
thank you Linda : keep up the good work, ( enjoied ) \
Linda's Pantry
Thank you:)
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