Drawing with Shoo Rayner
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Drawing with Shoo Rayner
Everyone can learn to draw!

Shoo Rayner has illustrated over 250 children's books and written 170 of them himself. Shoo Loves to teach people of all ages how to draw. "Every one can draw," says Shoo. "You just need a little practice, a bit of encouragement and to someone to show you how it's done."

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Latest lesson from Drawing with Shoo Rayner

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, How to Use Perspective to Draw in 3D!

Let your drawing really pop off the page! Learn how to draw in 3D, using one point, two point, and three point perspective, horizon lines, and vanishing points.

All the best and Happy Learning!

Shoo Rayner

All Lessons by Drawing with Shoo Rayner

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